If a person dies without a will, their estate is divided up according to standard rules applied by a court. This is known as ‘Intestacy Law’.
Below are some of the many benefits of getting this done, before it’s too late!
-Potentially reduce the amount of inheritance tax owed. -Name your children’s guardian/s. -Ensure your children are provided for financially. -Provide for your dependents, including any step-children. -Protect your partner if you’re unmarried. -Safeguard a family home that’s in your name only. -Reduce the chance of family disputes. -You choose who settles your affairs.
Surely that all sounds like a very good idea! If you want to discuss getting a Will in place, please arrange a meeting.
If you want to find out how easy it is to get a Will in place, please book an appointment.
Click the ‘Book an Appointment’ button at the top of the page to get in touch.
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