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Know exactly what the lenders are looking at on multiple reports
                                Getting a mortgage in the UK with bad credit can be                                                                    challenging, but not impossible.
                     Here are some tips to improve your chances, and this means                                                                             using ‘Check My File’

                     Here is a link for a FREE Report, T&C’s apply so you must cancel within 30 days to                                                             avoid being charged —————————–>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                                                  

                                                         Why use ‘Check My File’

CMF uses  x 3 of the main credit agencies to compile their reports, so you will see exactly what Equifax, Experian                          and TransUnion have on your file. These are often the main 3 that lenders will check. 

Credit reference agencies give your credit history a rating, but the numbers you see, will not be used by the lender.

               They will generate their own score by reviewing your full credit HISTORY, and not the score you see. 

So if you’ve had some previous issues and missed credit card payments, or have a CCJ or default against your                                                                      name, the score will almost certainly be lower. 

                            Always know exactly what the lenders will see. 

If you can pinpoint a potential issue early enough, you will have an opportunity to correct things in good time.

Don’t slip up by missing something that’s on TransUnion for example, when you are focused on a different report. 

Mortgages for bad credit usually come with higher interest rates, so compare all possible reports to make sure everything is correct. A late £10 payment on a mobile phone could make the difference in who you  can approach. 

Rebuild the score. If possible it may be wise to delay applying until you’ve improved your credit. Knowing exactly what the issue is can allow this to be done in good time.

Let’s go through your credit history together, we can then see which lenders are most suited to you!

Click the ‘Book an Appointment’ button at the top of the page to get in touch. 

Clarity Wealth Management LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. No: 575252

Registered in England and Wales as a limited liability partnership. No: 0C371189


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