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Mortgage tip: Would you like to save yourself £35,000 ??

If the answer is yes, you may consider making over payments.

A regular mortgage over payment will not only clear the debt sooner, it will also drastically reduce the amount of interest you pay back.

Almost all high street lenders allow yearly charge free over payments, usually up to 10% of the mortgage balance, with some allowing as much as 20%.

Using an average sized mortgage of say £250,000 over 25 years at 5% … paying an extra £150 per month would not only reduce the term by 4 years, but also save you circa +£35,000 in interest payments over the full term !!

If you want to find out what a regular overpayment could save you, please get in touch. 

Click the ‘Book an Appointment’ button at the top of the page to get in touch. 

Clarity Wealth Management LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. No: 575252

Registered in England and Wales as a limited liability partnership. No: 0C371189


Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it.

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